Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Monday, 28 December 2009

Painting the warp

 Shetland wool Beige/oatmeal

a circle of aqua and a plain weave. The outcome unplanned, spontaneous

 human skill v's intrinsic qualities of the material/ of the dye. 

Altering a little, changes a lot 

An oatmeal warp pre-meeting with Indigo dye

A table top loom made by skillful hands awaits me. J has set-up my dream machine... and so it begins, slowly at first and then with more pace. A therapeutic technique, a wellbeing to be found in the repetition. A hour passes whilst the radio soothes me. A chill in the air but warmth to be found in this home...


Sarah's warp - 2/a’s Shetland wool Beige/oatmeal

Sett for plain weave = 10 epi 

(20 warps per inch)

Weave : 10 picks (rows) per inch

(will full after washing/ pressing) 

    Careful Footing 

dyeing mental imagery.... what do you see?

dip dyeing immediacy and then we again wait before back in the bath the canvas is placed. into the fixative solution and the fabric parcel lies on the table and the stitches are removed revealing the results. What do you see?

An indigo dye bath

A dye bath prepared carefully measuring temperature and weights. The powders added the water topped up. A covered vat and then we wait... patience is not my virtue.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Native and Popular crafts

Native Crafts - simple, often domestic needs and aspirations, decoration in the home, clothing, preparing food and making music, being alive and part of a community. 

Planning the next move for SHARING the MAKING. Awaiting interviews from Diego.  Indexhibit install pending. Raring to go. New possibilities. new challenges. clear objectives. 

Social Enterprise

SHARING the MAKING... A Social Enterprise or Community Interest Company

Membership, Member Co-operative, Worker Co-operative, Oxfam model - Charity and Retail Stores = Social Enterprise. 

Trade= Risk 

Gift Profits Back to Charity 

British Council Support? Charity Commission  - 

'be quite broad in aims and outcomes.' 

Social Enterprise - Board of trustees/volunteers - Workers Co-operative/ Membership 

Community Interest Companies -

Limited by Guarantee 


Apply to Company House to register business / but first www.unltd.org - part of the Millenium fund - stage 1 and stage 2 ... ?? xx


Bruce Mau

'Now that you can make anything, what is it you want to make?'  

Apprentice at work

A childrens toy and a lot of patience. Warp and weft, preparation for dying! Weave and then dye? Pushing the tradition. Experimenting and exploring possibilities. All will be revealed a week on Friday!! 

An empathetic work station

Just as the way you eat is more important than the food you are eating, so the way you live is more important than the individual ingredients of your life. 

The lovely Jane

I have recently been taken under the wing of a crafts women extraordinaire. Her knowledge and support invigorates my passion and desire to work. Consideration and anticipation...  planning each weeks lesson. A shared passion for the makers of Peru spurs us on

an inspirational message from the Capital

Find your Love

You know that dream you carry around with you each day?

Its kinder important 

Wasn’t it what you were put on planet earth to do?

They say everyone has a calling, can you still hear it? 

Doesn’t it eat away at you?

That treadmill you are on, did it ever get too much? 

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to do your own thing?

Did you ever feel time was passing you by? 

Just how many days have you left before your last? 

Did you ever wonder about stuff like that? 

Did you ask yourself ‘what was stopping you?’ 

There is never a right time. 

You will be too old. Too young. Too something or other. 

When was the last time you took a risk? 

Did you remember how alive it made you feel? 

There are no guarantees of success. 

It’s not called a leap of faith for nothing. 

It’s not too last, honest. 


You might fall. 

You might fly! 

Saturday, 5 September 2009

making shared responsibilities


Robert Louis Stevenson

'Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, 

but by the seeds that you plant.'

Master Craftsman

The best way out is through... Robert Frost

'I am an optimist. It doesn't seem too much use being anything else.' 

Winston Churchill


'If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.'


'The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than growing with them.'


Bernard M Baruch

on point

'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sail. explore. dream. discover.'

Mark Twain


'He who has a why to live can bare almost any how.' 

Friedrich Nietzche

Quote by H.G Wells

'while there is a chance of the world getting through its troubles, i hold that a reasonable man has to behave as though he were sure of it. If at the end your cheerfulness is not justified, at any rate you will have been cheerful.'



Joseph Conrad

'The artist appeals to that part of our being ...which is a gift and not an acquisition - and, therefore, more permanently enduring.'

Big questions for a Saturday morning

what is the value of art in our society?
are we in danger of ignoring our most precious commodity?

What are the most important gifts in Life?

our capacity

There is clearly something powerfully preoccupying about people being able to take a sympathetic interest in each other, about our capacity to imagine the suffering of others in ways that can make a beneficial difference.



The advantages to capitalism were that it turned individual desires into public benefit.

People think that they envy other people for their success, money, fame, even in fact it is kindness that is most envied, because it is the strongest indicator of people’s well being, their pleasure in existence. 

Sweet Commerce

The commercial spirit historically has not been a generous one. Ruthless egoists have been competing for riches and power. 

Adam Phillips

‘No one can live a happy life if he turns everything to his own purpose, live for others if you want to live for yourself’ 


Sweet Commerce 

Kindness is our duty but also our joy 

Barbara Taylor

‘The pleasure of kindness is that it connects us with others, but the terror of kindness is that it makes us too immediately aware of our own and other people’s vulnerabilities.  Vulnerabilities that we are prone to call failings when we are most frightened.’ 


Sympathy Generosity Altruism Benevolence Humanity Compassion Empathy 


We can all gain pleasure from the happiness of others 

We belong to one another – we can contribute to each other’s wellbeing 

Friends leaving an ideological legacy

Social adhesion through natural kindness 

True pleasure is always generous. Pleasure seeking at the expense of others will never wholly satisfy human nature 

Friday, 4 September 2009

Francis Hutcheson

To be kind is the greatest measure of human happiness – Francis Hutcheson

William Blake – ‘The Human Abstract’

Pity would be no more

If we did not make somebody poor 

And mercy no more could be

If all were as happy as we.


A mutual sharing of feelings among people. 

Fellow feeling joins us to various and diverse other people.

People need other people 

How can we operate a free market for universal prosperity ??

The fantasy- new possibility




If you could grow everything yourself

we can learn so much from those who have very little. 
Animals, plants, cooking, feeding, playing, working, laughing and shouting... 

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

kindness counts

please grant me. the scerenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference


Thursday, 19 March 2009

Times are Changing

a new chapter and a new focus.