Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Monday, 28 December 2009

Painting the warp

 Shetland wool Beige/oatmeal

a circle of aqua and a plain weave. The outcome unplanned, spontaneous

 human skill v's intrinsic qualities of the material/ of the dye. 

Altering a little, changes a lot 

An oatmeal warp pre-meeting with Indigo dye

A table top loom made by skillful hands awaits me. J has set-up my dream machine... and so it begins, slowly at first and then with more pace. A therapeutic technique, a wellbeing to be found in the repetition. A hour passes whilst the radio soothes me. A chill in the air but warmth to be found in this home...


Sarah's warp - 2/a’s Shetland wool Beige/oatmeal

Sett for plain weave = 10 epi 

(20 warps per inch)

Weave : 10 picks (rows) per inch

(will full after washing/ pressing) 

    Careful Footing 

dyeing mental imagery.... what do you see?

dip dyeing immediacy and then we again wait before back in the bath the canvas is placed. into the fixative solution and the fabric parcel lies on the table and the stitches are removed revealing the results. What do you see?

An indigo dye bath

A dye bath prepared carefully measuring temperature and weights. The powders added the water topped up. A covered vat and then we wait... patience is not my virtue.